The Question
Lepidolite veining occurs throughout LCT pegmatites within the Sinclair Caesium Deposit and other pollucite deposits around the world. The formation, alteration and zonation of these lepidolite veins is not well understood.
Using the Bruker M4 TORNADO, is it possible to better understand the textures and compositions to shed light on the paragenesis of these veins.
We used a piece of LCT pegmatite from the Sinclair Deposit to attempt to answer this question.
Our Findings
Figure 1a: Mosaic: LCT Lepidolite from Sinclair Caesium Mine.
Image mosaic courtesy of Portable Spectral Services.
Figure 1b: Heat Map for K: LCT Lepidolite from Sinclair Caesium Mine.
Scan image courtesy of Portable Spectral Services.
Figure 1c: Heat Map for Rb: LCT Lepidolite from Sinclair Caesium Mine.
Scan image courtesy of Portable Spectral Services.
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Orbicular Granite