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Bruker M4 TORNADO PLUS Specifications.

Micro X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy is a rapid and non-destructive technique used to acquire quantitative chemical data at high spatial resolution (i.e. µm-scale).

Featuring the new dual Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs) combined with the new super-light element window the M4 TORNADO PLUS is able to detect from carbon (C) to uranium (U), making this the ultimate non-destructive tool available. Measurements are collected under vacuum or normal atmospheric conditions (air), with quantification limits ranging from parts per million to percentage.  Going further than other micro-XRF’s on offer, the M4 TORNADO PLUS has the option to analyse at atmospheric pressures in conjunction with a helium-purge system.


Minimal to no sample preparation is required to produce a variety of 2D elemental and mineral maps. The large vacuum chamber enables element detection from U to Na. Customisable spot sizes down to 25 µm means that small-scale textural and compositional features can be identified, including those that may not be visibly discernible.

Heterogeneous samples are no longer a problem for qualitative and quantitative XRF analysis, with the element maps providing the ability to observe the spatial variation and concentration of major, minor and trace elements across large and small samples.


  • Produces elemental maps at micro scale (19 x 16 cm)

  • Mineral Mapping through AMICS

  • Detect Carbon

  • Quickly acquire qualitative and quantitative data at a high spatial resolution (µm scale)

  • Complete control of tube parameters, filters, optical microscopes, sample illumination and sample positioning

  • Results presented as element distribution (line scan, mapping), quantification results, statistical evaluation

  • Use Aperture Management System (AMS) for high depth of field and low energy dependent spot size variation

  • Samples analysed with minimal to no sample preparation

  • Measure solids, particles or liquids

  • Record spectra

  • Map uneven samples

  • Quick-change stage with optional specimen holders, reducing sample exchange and setup time


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Sample Types

Sample Chamber Size


Measurement Media

Sample Travel

Sample View


Excitation Parameters


Detectors Parameters

Solids, particles, liquids

W x D x H : 600 x 350 x 260 mm

W x D x H : 200 x 160 x 120 mm

Air or vacuum

W x D : 330 x 170 mm; weight limit: 7kg

W x D : 190 x 160 mm

Up to 100 mm/s with TurboSpeed stage

2 simultaneous live images from above with different magnifications for sample overview and precise positioning Lateral fisheye camera for the sample chamber overview

Mapping travel

Max. travel

Travel Speed 

High brilliance, light element micro focus X-ray tube with polycapillary X-ray optics and aperture management system (AMS) Optional: 2nd fine focus X-ray tube with four position collimator changer from 0.5 to 4.5 mm

1st tube: Rh (optionally Ag), 2nd tube: W (optionally Rh, Mo, Cu, Cr)

50 kV, 30 W (40 W for collimator)

Less than 20 µm for Mo K α (17.5 keV) with polycapillary lens

500 µm and 1 mm apertures, plus 6 filters

8 filters for collimator

Up to 5 filters 

Target material


Dual 30mm²

Two XFlash silicon drift detector (SDD) 

<145 eV at 300, 00 cps

Sensitive area 

Energy resolution

Tube parameters

Spot size

AMS filters


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